Perforated Pizza Peel In Gha Anodized Aluminum Gi-metal. Diameter Cm.23
GHA is a particular treatment of Japanese origin, an anodic oxidation with subsequent sealing of the microporosities with silver ions, which gives the aluminum alloy superlative characteristics and performance.
- Smoothness
- Hygiene
- Duration
- Resistence
- Golden color
This treatment penetrates the alloy and while not removable, with use it undergoes slight chromatic modifications which give the instruments a vintage look.
The handles of the shovels are in oval tubular to promote stability.
The handle head joint is made up of the overlapping of the two elements secured by three large in-line rivets which guarantee safety and non-removability.
The head of the peels and the GHA small peel is completely slotted with holes specifically designed to discharge the flour, preventing it from sticking to the bottom of the pizza and risking burning. The GHA treatment provides self-lubrication which drastically reduces friction.
GHA peel and small peel are recognized by the disciplinary of the Associazione Verace Pizza Napoletana (AVPN)
Small peel in GHA, slotted head with handle base and intermediate sliding handle in a special high-density polymer, highly resistant to impact and heat.
It guarantees perfect insulation of the hands from the heat and a special joint on the bottom of the handle allows you to block the intermediate element and find it available at the top when the small peel is placed upside down.